If your client has started to experience hair thinning, baldness, or a receding hairline, there are a few ways to remedy the situation. There’s the usual go-to of wearing a hat or styling their hair to make it look fuller. This can be a quick fix for many, but it’s not a long-term solution.  

To get your client’s hair back to its former glory, the next step is to advise them to look into hair system vs hair transplant options. Both options will allow them to regain their hair confidence when dealing with thinning hair or baldness. When deciding between the two, they might have some questions, such as: 

  • How does hair surgery work? 
  • How much does a hair system cost per year? 
  • Are hair systems worth it? 
  • Does hair surgery really work? 

Looking for answers? You’re in the right place—we’ll address these questions, provide more information about the hair system vs hair transplant decision and explain why hair systems are better than hair transplant surgery for your clients.  

The Benefits of Choosing a Hair System vs Hair Transplant 

When your client is looking to transform their balding or thinning hair, helping them choose the right hair system might be the best solution. This way, they know exactly what to expect when they use a hair system. Here are the main benefits of your client going with a hair system vs hair transplant.  

Flexibility and Versatility 

Since a hair system isn’t permanent, they can choose when and for how long they’d like to wear their wig or toupee. They can change up their look whenever they want without being stuck with a hair density or appearance they aren’t happy with from a hair transplant. There’s a wide range of options with hair systems and how to wear them, which is why wearing a wig or toupee is a popular choice for many!  

They can choose from various hairstyles, lengths, colors, densities, and textures to best match the look they’re going for. If they decide they no longer want or need the hair system, they can easily remove the hair tape or adhesive and embrace their natural look again. With a surgical hair replacement, there’s no going back or starting over with their hair with this more permanent option.   

No Surgery Required 

Before considering a hair transplant, why not suggest a nonsurgical solution as a non-invasive option for your client’s hair woes? 

If your client is wondering, “how does hair surgery work?” the process involves the surgeon using a grafting technique on healthy hair follicles they’re transplanting from (for this, they need to have a section of hair that’s plentiful and thick.) To answer the question, “does hair surgery really work?” it does work for many people, but the results will vary dramatically case by case.  

There are various risk factors involved, such as scalp swelling, bleeding, folliculitis, infections, or numbness. Longer-lasting side effects like scarring are also possible. With a hair system, the only real side effect could be scalp irritation for those with sensitive skin who need a hypoallergenic hair tape or adhesive to avoid this (a skin patch test will help determine any allergies!) 

Immediate Results  

Using a hair system provides your clients with quick results as they only have to order their hair system and wait for it to arrive. Then the next step is making that appointment with you to apply their wig or toupee and use the best hair system products for their needs. 

With hair transplants, they’d have to go to several doctor appointments for consultations and then the actual surgery. After this, they’ll have to wait several months and sometimes up to a year to see the results of the hair transplant. If your clients ask, “are hair systems worth it?” you can let them know if they want the less drawn-out process, absolutely!  

More Affordable  

If your client opts for a hair transplant, getting this procedure is a more expensive process that ultimately doesn’t guarantee long-term success or their desired results. Even the pricier hair systems will be more cost-effective than hair transplant surgery. 

If you do a quick online search for “how much does a hair system cost per year?” the results will vary across the board. That’s because it all depends on what type of hair system they choose, how often they replace it, and if they have one or two hair systems purchased. Regardless, the process of getting a hair transplant will be much more costly upfront for them. 

Give Your Clients the Best Hair System Experience 

When comparing hair system vs hair transplant options, it’s ultimately up to your client what option they choose in the end. With proper maintenance, hair systems are long-lasting and require minimal adjustments to your clients’ day-to-day routines. If they decide to go with a hair system, you can help give them the best experience with your knowledge and skills with applying their wig or toupee. 

You’ll also need the best quality hair system products to keep them coming back to you! Sunshine Tape offers a wide variety of hair tapes, adhesives, removers, and more for your hair system clients. Visit our website to learn more and stock up on the essentials.