Working in the hair industry, you’ll likely come across clients with hair systems that want to customize them with a cut as you build your clientele. Cutting hair systems is a bit different than natural hair since, well, that hair won’t ever grow back! This is why it’s so important that clients come to a professional hair stylist like yourself to ensure that cutting a wig or toupee doesn’t result in any costly mistakes.

Do you know how to cut a toupee? You might have your technique down with your usual hair clients, though there are a few things to keep in mind when dealing with cutting hair systems. Read our expert advice and information on cutting a wig or toupee before reaching for your scissors!

Should You Cut Hair Systems?

If you’re feeling a bit unsure about whether or not you should cut your clients’ hair systems, rest assured that this is a request that happens all the time! Wigs or toupees might not come in the right style or length your client is looking for, so they turn to you to get the hair they desire. 

Here are some ways cutting hair systems can benefit your clients:

  • Cutting a wig that’s become damaged with wear as the ends begin to split can be brought back to life with a quick trim. 
  • Customizing hair systems allows you to create a more flattering style that fits your client’s style and face shape.
  • Trimming and cutting hair systems like toupees or hairpiece toppers achieve a more natural look for your clients to blend with their hair. 
  • Shortening or adding bangs to wigs will correct any issues of the fringe being a bit too long or give an entirely new look.

Ready to trim those hair systems? Get prepared before your client comes in for their appointment with our tips ahead. 

How to Cut a Toupee or Wig

Remember that the two most valuable points here are being cautious and patient when fitting and styling hair systems (and while we’re on the topic, here’s why your client should always have two hair systems!) Ensure you’ve booked enough time for this on your schedule. Allow yourself at least 1-2 hours for an initial fitting and custom cut appointment.

If you’re wondering, “does the type of scissors matter when cutting hair systems?” Yes! We recommend using a straight-feather razor and thinning scissors for toupee cutting. You can use whatever shears you usually use for wigs since they have much more length to work with. 

Follow this checklist of do’s and don’ts for cutting hair systems:


  • Ask the client beforehand to bring photos of the style they want, this way, you can get their wig or toupee in the style they are envisioning (and see if it’s even possible with their hairpiece!)
  • Ensure your client has bonded their system using either tape or liquid adhesive, so it stays firmly in place while you cut it. 
  • Brush out and remove any knots or tangles prior to cutting hair.
  • Leave a little extra length and show your client the progress before moving forward to snip more. 
  • Create a natural look by texturizing and thinning the hair with a feather razor.
  • Use thinning scissors to de-bulk the hair and make it look more natural. 


  • Cut the hair system too short! There’s no turning back when this happens.
  • Use blunt scissors, you can’t afford to have any mistakes when cutting hair systems.
  • Cut too much off the sides and the back of the toupee hair, keeping it slightly longer at the sides and back helps to blend better with the client’s natural hair. 
  • Cut the hairpiece when it’s wet—make sure it’s fully dry to get the most accurate cut.

Cutting Hair Systems Like a Pro

Now that you’ve got your hair system cutting technique down, you’ll be confident the next time your client comes in asking for a wig or toupee custom cut! Just follow our tips and remember that cutting less is always the safest bet with hair systems. Advise your clients at the start of the appointment that you’ll work with them on the length and make sure they are confident in how much they want to cut before you start trimming.

Does your client need hair products to keep their newly custom-cut wig or toupee in place? At Sunshine Tape, we offer the highest-quality products for hair systems, such as tapes, liquid adhesives, removers, and more! You need those wigs and toupees to stay in place when cutting them, our products won’t let you or your client down. 

Head to our online store to shop now and get all the items you need for the best hair system experience possible for your clients.