Running your own barber shop or salon means you have to make several executive decisions. These range from what services you offer to the people you hire for your team. If you’re a salon or barber shop owner that offers services for hair systems, it’s crucial to seek out the best hair system products for your clients. Having hair system products on hand you know you can rely on makes all the difference in keeping up those high standards of service. 

When it comes time to stock up, where do you start? We’ll cover everything you need to know about what you need for your shop and what to look for when picking out products. Let’s get those stock rooms full and ready for your hair system clients!   

What You Need for The Best Hair Replacement System Services 

As you start booking those clients in for their hair system applications and removal services, double-check your stock room. Make sure you have everything you need to smooth and secure those hair systems. What should you have at the ready for a full-service experience? 

Here’s our list of the essentials you’ll need to order:  

Hair Tape 

Hairpiece tape is a crucial product to have in stock, especially a few different varieties based on various client preferences and hair system base types. Some clients use daily wear tape, while others want maximum wear tape for a longer hold time. Have several options ready for them to use on their toupee or wig.  

Liquid Adhesive Hair Glue 

An alternative option to hair tape is liquid adhesive hair glue. These also come in varying strengths depending on how long your client plans to wear their hair system before switching it up. For any clients looking for a more breathable adhesive than tape, liquid glues are lighter and are a great option for them. 

Adhesive Remover 

What sticks must come unstuck—eventually. That’s where adhesive remover comes in! From oil-based to alcohol based, you’ll want to have options for your clients. Some clients will prefer alcohol remover for its quick and easy cleanup. Others might want oil solvent removers, especially if they have sensitive skin or delicate hair systems. Having a few removers on hand makes it a smooth process for everyone.  

Scalp Prep 

Having a scalp prep product often gets overlooked, but prepping the skin ahead of time is crucial for a proper hair system application. Skin prep sprays act as a protective, waterproof barrier that keeps moisture out and helps prevent possible irritation from hair adhesives.   

What to Look for When Choosing Hair System Supplies 

Now that you know what you’ll need in stock, next is choosing the best hair system products for your shop. There are a few things to consider when deciding on the right products to order. After all, these products will be a part of your services at your shop, so it’s definitely an important decision.  

Order hair system products that have these three qualities:  


Using only the highest quality hair system products for your clients is essential. This is how you build a loyal clientele base by offering top-notch service with products that actually do what they say they will! Look for options that provide hypoallergenic formulas for your customers with sensitive skin.  


You’ve got a business to run, and you don’t want to break the bank on hair system products that are overpriced. Look for products that are high-quality at the right price point. It’s better to pay slightly more for better quality, but it shouldn’t be ridiculously expensive, either. 

Reputable Brand 

As you do with any online purchase already, look for information about the brand and any reviews or testimonials they have. Find hair system supplies from a brand that’s established in the industry as a top choice for products you can trust. See what other purchasers have said about the specific products so you know what to expect with the items you order.   

Only Use the Best Hair System Products for Your Shop 

If you offer hair system services at your salon or barber shop, you must be stocked up on products such as hair tape, liquid adhesive hair glue, adhesive remover, and scalp prep. Your clients expect a certain level of expertise from their stylist, so make sure you have the right products to make it the best experience possible. When it’s time to stock up on hair system supplies, look for high-quality, affordable, and reputable brands to ensure that you’re getting the best products for your clients.  

At Sunshine Tape, we’ve been making the best of the best hair system products for over 35 years. We pride ourselves on being a reliable and affordable source for hair system supplies, from tapes and adhesives to removers and skin prep—we have it all. Visit our website to place your order and stock up on all of the essentials.